Full Stack Portfolio

Hi! I'm Artem Astashenkov. I make things for the Web, Cloud, Mobile and Data Warehouses. Here are some of my projects.

Big Spender — Personal Finance App

2nd prize of Black Rock challenge at Junction 2019, Big Spender is a personal finance app that helps you reduce impulse purchases by analyzing your buying and usage history. I was responsible for backend and continuous deployment. Featured tech: React, .NET Core and Azure

Commercial Data Integration and Reconciliation Projects

Support and further development of multiple data integration projects in financial sector, including work on Wise Solutions' own data reconciliation product Wisematch. Featured tech: ASP.NET and .NET Core, Entity Framework and WCF, WPF and Silverlight

Commercial Data Warehousing Project

Data validation and logging system for SSIS data transfer packages on a Data Warehouse project. Faulty rows are filtered via a reusable SQL template with support for different actions based on error type and severity. Then, a C# script with LINQ queries generates an XML report. An intranet dashboard (SSRS report) provides an overview of the transfer and validation process.

Basic Diary for Android

An app to showcase knowledge of native (Java) Android development: CRUD operations with SQLite, multiple activities with intents and results and a variety of view elements, plus material design

mzAlarm — branded RSS+TTS alarm app

mzAlarm is designed as a promotional mobile app for Mediazona news agency. Pull to refresh RSS, tap a headline to preview the article and go to website. Set an alarm and when it goes off the app will read all headlines one by one ('cause bad news is the most reliable alarm). Made with Phonegap and jQuery Mobile. I also recreated corporate style with fonts and palette. Currently supports Android.


"Product Database" featuring asynchronous forms (to edit a record, click on its ID) with Entity Framework, SQL Server database, pulling JSON from third-party API, filtering with jQuery, simple REST API with documentation. I've also replaced default Bootrstrap with Foundation framework, preserving responsiveness. Deployed to Azure.

Coincidence? I Don't Think So!

A responsive Java web application that queries a MariaDB database for random pairs of poll results with the same percentage points — a classic joke about correlation and causation. Made with Spring MVC, includes security with user database (to access interface for adding new polls). Prototype (master branch) done with Thymeleaf and Bootstrap; current version (JawsDBMaria branch) is a collaboration with Olga Vorozheykina (Front-End), additionally using jQuery, Ajax and Google Translate plugin. Includes unit tests. Deployed to Heroku.